- Constitutional Liberty
- Cut Spending and Taxes
- Cherish Family Values
- Pro 1st and 2nd Amendments
- Pro Life
- Pro Faith and Family
- For Veterans
- For Ranchers
- For Retirees & Hardworking Citizens
Thank you for visiting. It's beyond time for a change of leadership. I ask you for your vote in the primary on Tuesday June 4th, 2024 to bring a TRUE conservative, lifelong Republican, to be your voice in the South Dakota Senate for most of Meade county and parts of Pennington/Butte counties.
John Carley
1. CARLEY: Constitutional Freedoms
opponent: Voted 2021, 2024 (SB3, HB1235) Allow unelected bureaucrats to
potentially confine you to your homes / Injections: no Opt-Outs
2. CARLEY: Family Freedom
opponent: Voted 2021 (HB1076) to not define boy/girl on birth certificate
3. CARLEY: Cut spending
opponent: Voted 2023 (SB41, HB1196, SB210) largest spending bills in SD history
4. CARLEY: Lower taxes
opponent: Voted 20,21,22,23,24' (HB1099, HB1169, HB1053, SB120, HB1092)as a compulsive tax raiser to raise city, county, and state taxes
5. CARLEY: Election Integrity
opponent: Flip flopped, then Voted 2023 (HB1217) to not fix mail-in ballot problems
6. CARLEY: No political gerrymandering
opponent: Didn't show up 2021 (HB1001) to prevent manipulation of district to advantage certain politicians
7. CARLEY: Protect Landowner Rights
opponent: Voted 2023, 2024 (HB1133, HB1219, HB1185, HB1090)to let corporations abuse eminent domain against individuals and force landowners to sell property
8. CARLEY: Stand with Noem in protecting our finances from Federal Government takeover
opponent: Voted 2023, 2024 (HB1193, HB1199) trying to make South Dakota the first Central Bank Digital Currency State that would allow the Feds to track and limit your purchases
9. CARLEY: Give Parents Education Options for their kids
opponent: Voted 2024, (HB1250) said no to giving parents access to educational empowerment accounts
10. CARLEY: Fully Support the 2nd Amendment - Right to Bear Arms
opponent: Voted 2022 (HB1052) not to limit federal overreach on our constitutional & states rights to have firearms

DakotaVoter.com – ranks John Carley #1 against opponent
Liberty Pilot – ranks John Carley, opponent, and other legislators in SD
NRA Score – John Carley earns "A"
BiblicalVoter.com – John Carley listed for SD under Families First Pledge
Chaffee's (opponent) vote for life score – 2021 (did not earn 100%, voted no on HB1311)
Chaffee's (opponent) voting Record – 2023 (only earned a 47/100 conservative score, meaning 53% of time voted with liberals)
Chaffee's (opponent) "C-" failing score - near the bottom with "The American Conservative Union Foundation"
Chaffee's (opponent) Freedom Index - 2023 has an extraordinarily low 33% freedom score

Effort to keep True Conservative Republicans Out
(Quote from article: "[SD] Democrats as may as well hold a super-majority, particularily in the Senate. They just run as Republicans")
Listen: John Carley & Ronald Reagan How to choose a good Candidate Limited Government